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انتشارات کتیبه نوین

Katibenovin Publications

Katibenovin Publications

خدمات ویژه نشر کتیبه نوین

Managing Katibenovin Publications

The founder of the new book is Dr. Ali Davoodi. He is a publisher, author, researcher, editor-in-chief, page editor, publisher, a member of the Elite Researchers Club, and a member of Pen House. His works include Islamic Management Book, Introduction to Knowledge Management Concepts and Applications, Mathematical Modeling Modeling Book, and Modern Management Book and Modern Technology. He also has several ISI papers, scientific and research papers, conferences and more.

Collaborative records of Katibenovin Publications

• Collaborate with government agencies, institutions and bodies of the country
• Collaborate with Islamic Azad Universities, Payam Noor, Scientific and Practical and Non-Profit and International
• Collaborate with reputable schools across the country
• Collaborate with all bookstores across the country
• Participation in provincial and international exhibitions in Tehran
• Participate in specialized and public book fairs in ministries and government agencies throughout the country

The activity of the modern inscription publication is in the following fields:

• Book of Engineering Degrees
• Publishing Experimental Textbooks
• Publishing of Humanities
• Publishing of Department of Agriculture books
• Printing art book
• Print novel and story books
• Publishing poetry books

Speech by the New Inscription Publisher

Modern Inscription Publications has published hundreds of books in recent years in collaboration with professors, researchers, and students. Most of the services are focused on publishing academic and academic books. Students and professors who have translations, compilations, or dissertations can use the new inscription publishing services. Some students tend to turn their research work into a book, either in the form of a thesis or dissertation, and these publications are ready to provide a full service. On the other hand, people who are interested in publishing their own poems, stories, or compilations can use the services of this publication.
On this site you can find some of the steps involved in book printing, book printing methods, dissertation, limited edition printing, book printing benefits, book printing licensing methods, book printing contract types, and informed book binders. Be yourself. We proudly announce your readiness to transform your beloved works, manuscripts, and engagements into a valuable and wonderful book.

Special offer by professors

You can make a booklet that you have taught or your students have taken notes in class a book for that lesson. For example, when you teach chemistry orally in a classroom and each semester students write or you give a booklet for students to copy in university publications, you can turn them into books and teach from your own book. Modern Inscription Publishing is pleased to announce the publication of your book (from typing to printing). Of course, you can also get special discounts for university professors and editors if you want to publish your book at a very low cost.

The necessity of printing books for students

If you are a student and want to pursue your education or degree, you must have a strong resume to use in a variety of educational and research activities. For example, for students who want to take a PhD, having a book or a translation is a big plus. It is also unavoidable for those who intend to take faculty tests to submit one or more books along with articles and research. These requirements, along with the resources available to students, can pave the way for the publication of their books. A master’s or doctoral student who has defended his thesis and thesis is in the best position to use it and turn it into a book. This book can include all or part of a thesis or a specific chapter. The New Inscription Book Publishing Center is ready to work with your professors to introduce you to the best way to have a book and to be with you the last step.
Note: Avoid collaborating with dissertation and non-specialist book publishing centers (such as catalogs and brochures) in converting theses to books and publishing theses. The main source of income for such book centers is to sell your book to others.

Special services for the publication of modern inscriptions

New Inscription Book Publishing offers special services for the well-being of dear authors:
• Convert a thesis into a book
• Complete the book process in less than a month
• Order acceptance in all disciplines and trends
• Able to perform the whole process of publishing the book without the physical presence of the authors
• Special discounts for faculty, faculty, and students
• Free consulting (dissertation consulting, book publishing, book distribution consulting)
• free delivery

Immediate publication of the book

Instant Book Printing by Novel Inscription Publishing includes all stages of book printing from editing, layout, book cover design, licensing and publication to any number. Masters and PhD students should contact the Modern Scroll Publications if they need to publish an urgent book for their resume and submit their application to do so as soon as possible. Modern Inscription Publications has made it possible for you to publish your work in a timely manner and to be able to present your work in the scientific community.

Print poems, novels, biographies and memoirs

Many of the different books we deal with on a daily basis are poetry and novels. These books are among the most popular non-textbooks for all ages. Due to their high circulation and wide circulation, these books are distributed among many bookstores and have high sales. So they make a good financial estimate for the author. There are many young poets and writers who own very bestselling and popular works. But in contrast to many writers and poets, despite their great talent and excellent handwriting, they still do not publish their works and find printing a dream a very unattainable dream, while poetry and novels are very simple and necessary. It is up to the reputable and experienced publishers to make a good sale and not make the author financially vulnerable.
In addition to poetry and novels that the poet or author submits to the publication after writing or handwriting, there are other categories of books that fall into the category of biographies or memoirs of influential individuals.
Like other books, licenses must be obtained to print these books. Therefore, their content should be in such a way that no problem in obtaining the license. Therefore, it is best to edit or delete sections that are likely to cause problems before submitting them to the Ministry so that there is no problem in obtaining a license.
These publications have the necessary expertise and authors can benefit from these publications for free.

Printing and Publishing

Newly Published Inscription Book Publishing is now proud to draw on its many years of experience and presence in the book publishing industry to writers, scholars, and culture and knowledge enthusiasts who desire works, compilations, translations, dissertations and To turn the collected material into a book. The publication has published hundreds of books in recent years in collaboration with professors, researchers, and students. Most of the services are focused on publishing academic and academic books. Students and professors who have translations, compilations, or dissertations can use the new inscription publishing services. Some students tend to turn their research work into a book, either in the form of a thesis or dissertation, and these publications are ready to provide a full service. On the other hand, people who are interested in publishing their own poems, stories, stories, translations or compilations can use the services of this publication. So you can achieve your goal at a low cost, which is to have a valid book. Modern inscription publishing activities in the field of book publishing include: Approving the content of the book by experienced lecturers, specialized typing and book format matching, obtaining an ISBN or ISBN, editing text (for those who wish to convert a thesis to a book), editing Text, book layout, FIPA from the National Library of Iran, cover design, book authorization from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, digital lithography, book printing and collection announcement. Read the publishing menu for more information.

Book publishing process

The stages of publishing a book by a book publisher are as follows:
• Confirm the content of the book by experienced teachers
• Specialized and customized book format
• Getting an ISBN or ISBN
• Text editing (for those who wish to convert a thesis to a book)
• Text editing
• Layout
• Obtaining FIPA from the National Library of Iran
• Obtaining a book license from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance
• cover design
• Digital lithography
• Book publishing
• Binding
• Book packaging
• Distribution of books in reputable Iranian bookstores
• Presentation of books at Tehran and Shiraz Book Fair
• free delivery

Cost of printing the book

There are a few things to consider when determining the cost of printing a book and the cost of converting a thesis to a book:

  1. Number of pages
  2. The size of the book
  3. sex of inner pages
  4. Type of Binding
  5. Type of printing
  6. Number of colors in print

۱٫ Number of Pages: The number of pages in a book is the most important issue in printing a book and converting it to a thesis. The number of pages determines the amount of paper consumed and the amount of zinc consumed, and if digital printing is indicated, the number of pages determines the price.
۲٫ Book Size: Book size has a second impact on the price, cost, and amount of paper and zinc consumed. In offset printing and in the weights and sizes, zinc is obtained by dividing the number of pages by 1 and the number of printed forms by dividing the number of pages by 1. Certainly the larger the cut of the book, the higher the cost.
۳٫ Landing Pages: After the size and number of pages, another issue that affects the cost of printing a book and the cost of converting a dissertation to a book is the type of paper consumed that can be made from 4g or 5g typewriter or glass. … which will vary according to the type of printing and the taste of the authors.
۴٫ Bookbinding Depending on the number of pages and book sizes, different bookbinding types are used, the most common and the most commonly used being bookbinding (paperback and hot glue) and hardbound binding (stitching printed forms and cold glue and hardcover). And cellphone), each with different costs.
۵٫ Printing Type: The type of technology used to print a book that has different types. These include offset printing and digital printing, which vary in costing procedures. But in general offset is the number of zinc and clause determinants and in digital printing the number of leaves of a book determines the cost.
۶٫ The more colors used in the book, the greater the cost. This is especially effective in offset printing.
Since book printing costs are calculated daily, contact the publishing office for information on book printing costs (including editing, editing, page layout, cover design, ISBN and FIPA, copyright, printing costs). . It should be noted that if the text of the book is a poem, Persian-English or a formula, or in another language, the cost is added proportionally.

Confirmation of book content by experienced professors:

After publishing the book file, the publishing house delivers it to the experts in the field for approval, depending on the field of study. Book publishing also introduces books that are approved or approved by the revision for the rest of the book publishing process.

Specialized type of book format:

Authors should keep in mind that the general typing done on the market is different from book typing, so authors are encouraged to submit handwritten texts to book publishers whenever possible.


Editing is a Persian word set against the English word (Editing), and most publishers have accepted the book and its journals. Editing is grammatically edited and edited, and its various meanings come from the specific culture of the word “dress”.
• Editing a publication means adding or reducing content or editing texts that are ready for publication. The word editing also means the edition of a book.
• If a book is reprinted unchanged, it is used to specify the printout, in terms of number of prints, second printing, third printing,… ..
• If changes are made to the text of the book and new content is added or decreased, it is used to characterize that print Second Edition, Third Edition… ..
• For editing, it uses editing and its agent is named editor or editor. To clarify the issue, we consider editing from a variety of perspectives.
• Each post should be reviewed for content, language, accuracy, order, moderation, punctuation, grammar and spelling and punctuation. Reviewing the post is called editing. Editing should take place after writing, because when writing the author is separated from his normal state and focuses more on thinking, creativity and creation. After this step, the writing has to be modified and edited in various ways. Many of us do not write for fear that our story will be misinterpreted or liked by others. Fear prevents thinking and creativity, but writing and grammatical errors can be corrected after writing.

Editing is the knowledge of basic logic that works to correct inaccuracies, eliminate deficiencies, express meaning, streamline and Persianize the text, organize the structures, and read the text according to rules and practices. Specific editing deals with either a set of scientific and artistic activities designed to improve the presentation and presentation of written material or to correct errors and deficiencies, or to manage the publication of text. In another definition, editing is a set of scientific and artistic activities that aim to improve the presentation and presentation of written material or to correct errors or defects or to manage the publication of text.
Therefore, every post before the layout has to be reviewed and revised in various ways, including grammar, content, etc., which is called editing. In other words, editing is a set of scientific and specialized activities aimed at improving the presentation of written material and correcting errors and omissions. The team of experienced editors of Modern Inscription Publishing, in addition to structuring and content editing of books, also collaborates with experts in the scientific editing collection of specialized books. Editors of the New Inscription Publications strive to provide the highest quality in editing scientific books, taking into account the international standards and experiences of the country’s editors.


All manuscripts and remaining books of the written history of the Persian language each have some form of paging. In these books calligraphers and scholars had the task of layout, and the scribe was also the author of the layout and decisive layout of a page. Symmetrical matching of elements, symmetrical splitting of surfaces, geometric arrangement of motifs, harmonious blending of lines and balanced color combination are all achievements that provide thematic and visual unity in Iranian manuscripts. With the rise of the printing industry in the Qajar era, page layout is entering another phase where the impact of techniques and technical facilities is enormous.
The layout of the pages in the Iranian press has been symmetrical from the beginning to the long period, and we see this symmetry in other areas of daily life such as architecture and interior decoration of buildings. But entering the contemporary era, this symmetry favors other layouts in favor of creativity in layout. Nowadays, all types of graphics software also offer designers a wide range of possibilities while enhancing precision in size. have given.
Layout is the creation of a well-balanced logical relationship between written and visual elements and spaces to facilitate reading and to encourage the reader to continue reading by creating beauty and creativity. The purpose of the book layout is to stimulate readability, ease of reading, and create aesthetic with the use of sensible visual elements. A good layout with a book theme can increase the reader’s and audience’s liking. A good layout can help effectively develop and grow a culture and enhance the visual appeal of book readers. The pages of each book should have a proper context and ranking according to the cut, topic, and audience. The layout of each page is also based on this grid layout, and to have a proper grid layout it is essential that the layout of the page is balanced and eye-catching.
Or, in other words, page layout is called the layout of the page for printing, which has become increasingly sophisticated over time and has become an important issue in attracting audiences to read more media with creativity. With the advancement of science and technology and the presence of new media such as news sites, e-books, television, radio and so on, books and magazines have not lost their audience yet, and study leaders are still remembered as the most important factor in developing countries. One way to increase this per capita is to have an attractive and artistic layout to attract and delight the audience.
On the whole layout, the art of font selection, word size, line spacing, border margins, beautification and graphic design of the pages, convenient photo placement and more. Generally speaking, the layout is called the set of operations before the publication of the publication. Choosing the right colors to print with quality, creative vision and strong design is another factor in a layout.
In other words, the art layout is to attract the audience’s attention to the magazine’s content and to help increase its attention, as well as to create a passion for following the magazine’s theme, which is achieved through audience recognition.
Layouts have historically been hand-written by hand letterers, but these days, with the advancement of science and technology, more computer software is being used to make Adobe Indesign the most important layout software with features Abundant, it leaves the designer open to all kinds of creativity. Microsoft Publisher is another software that used to be popular, but is now being replaced by Adobe software. Microsoft word also allows layouts for non-business users to easily handle everyday tasks.

Composition in layout

Combining means putting the different components together and forming a whole. In a good layout, the objects are in balance and in balance with each other, giving the viewer a sense of well-being. By moving different components on a good layout, you can get the good feeling that is the beauty. In a beautiful layout design, the composition of images, lines, texts, colors, shadows, transparency of images, etc. are balanced.
One of the most useful methods to create a suitable composition is the ternary segmentation method. In the software, using the guides, you divide the box into three equal vertical and horizontal sections. The location of the collisions of these lines can be used as key points and incorporates important components.
Apart from this, a designer needs the knowledge and the basics of visual and graphic arts for a proper layout. It is this knowledge that teaches the designer to combine tangible elements such as, line, surface, text, image, size, shape, color, blur and brightness, with their particular visual qualities such as proportion, balance, harmony and contrast. Makes it easier to apply the visual effect.

Good layout feature

• Stops the audience in front of them.
• It attracts the viewer’s attention and encourages them to pursue and read it.
• Introduces a fascinating mix of letters and images.
• Ideally discipline or fatwa.
• Know your audience well.
• It serves the basic design elements well.
• Transmit the message to your specific contacts.
• It has a clear meaning.
• It is quite explicit and has no ambiguity.

Book layout

The layout is one of the most important pillars of the book. The layout should be such as to encourage the reader to read the book. Writings should also be appropriate in size and spacing so that the reader will not be disturbed when reading the book.
Depending on whether your book (novel, poetry, educational, academic, etc …) it should be considered a good cut. The cut is suitable for romance and poetry books and is usually a ministerial for academic and educational books.
One of the important points in the book layout is the word font. We have to be careful in its selection. The font should be legible and easy to read. I should avoid writing fonts that make reading difficult for the reader. (Except in special books)
Certainly the beautiful, artistic and artistic layout of the newspaper is very effective in selling it and guaranteeing more success than ever before.
Magazine Page Tips for Magazine Layout Two goals can be considered: “readability” and “motivate the reader to continue reading” Every page decision must have one or both of these goals. Be.
Choosing the right type of book cut is an art that will make your book more valuable and acceptable to marketers and, of course, readers, and may have a huge impact on the success of your book sales. You can give us your book layout in all the weights, pallets, pockets, pockets and more.

Among the actions taken during the page layout are:
• Determine book cut and margin size
• Adjust paragraphs
• Farsi and English font setting
• Create text references for beautiful and easy access to content
• Headline and leveling
• Automatically create index lists

Here are some points to make in the layout:
۱٫ The page number starts from the most basic page (Basm …) so that the last page number of the book represents the total number of pages.
۲٫ The beginning of the chapter starts from the individual page.
۳٫ One third of the beginning page of each chapter should be left blank.
۴٫ The beginning pages of the chapter are missing the page but its number is included.
۵٫ Individual page numbers are at the top left of the page and even page numbers are at the top right.
۶٫ The left-hand side of the even page is written by the name of the book and the right-hand side of the page is named after the chapter.
۷٫ The distance from the top of the page to the first line of text in the book should be about 1.5 cm.

Training some elements of layout:

Page settings:

The first thing we do to start a book layout in Word is the page settings. In the file you created, from the Page Layout ribbon, tap the small corner of the Page Setup group corner to open the Page Settings window. In the Margin tab, set the border of the page, and in the Paper tab, set the page size, and in the Layout tab, you can adjust the odds and ends of the book to be even and odd.

Font Settings:

Now select a piece of text containing both Farsi and English words and from the Home tab, click the small button in the corner of the font group to open the Font window. In this window you can select the font and its size separately for Farsi and Latin text. Given that the font size is slightly larger visually, it is always advisable to consider slightly smaller font sizes.

Paragraph settings:

Place the blinking marker on a paragraph, and from the Home ribbon, click the small button in the corner of the paragraph group to open the Paragraph window. Text alignment, text orientation, indents, paragraph spacing from previous and next paragraphs, and paragraph row spacing are the most important things that are defined in this window.


The ability to categorize Word software gives us the ability to use different header and footer and page number structure for different parts of the book. To create a new chapter in the book file, we place the flashing cursor where the new chapter should begin (for example, after the end of chapter 2 and before the beginning of chapter 2). Then from the Page Layout ribbon and from the Page Setup group, click the Breaks popup button. As you can see, there are four types of Section Breaks:
• Next Page: The new chapter begins on the next page.
• Continuous: Without breaking the page, the new season begins with the rest of the previous season.
• Even Page: The new season begins on the first couple’s first page.
• Odd Page: The new chapter begins on the first page of the next person.

Header & Footer:

Items that are to be repeated throughout the book or throughout the book seasons fall into Header and Footer. The book name, chapter title, and page number are the most important ones. To insert or edit headers and footers, from the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, click one of the Header or Footer options to open the bottom menu. You can now use one of the pre-prepared templates or enter the header and footer editing mode by tapping the Edit Header / Footer option at the bottom of the menu. In the header / footer editing mode, a new tab is added to the top tabs of the software, giving you the tools needed to edit the header and footer. You can also enter header / footer editing mode by double-clicking on the top or bottom of the pages. In Persian books, the number of individual pages is usually at the top right and even pages are at the top left, so that when browsing The book, the page numbers, are on the outside and easier to see. Also the name of the book at the top of even pages, and the chapter name at the top of individual pages.


Style is used for various textual components so that later the Table of Contents tool of Word software can be used to produce a book index. The most important styles used are:
• Heading 1: Chapter title
• Heading 2: Section Title
• Heading 3: Sub-section title
• Normal: Normal texts and paragraphs
• Picture: Picture
• Footnote: Subtitle

Table of Contents:

If you have stylized the titles in the book correctly and as stated, you do not need to do much to include the list. Place the flashing marker where you want the listing to be inserted. In the Reference ribbon, click the Table of Contents drop-down button and select Automatic Table 1. The index will be inserted along with the page number of each subject. In fact, Word software looks for texts that have Heading 1, Heading 2, … style applied to them, and lists them with their page number. If you edit the file and scroll down, simply tap the Update Table button in the Reference tab to replace the new page number.

What is an ISBN?

As the book became increasingly popular and the problems faced with distributing, ordering, storing, and distributing the book worldwide, publishers and bookstores began to think of solutions to problems. Until then, publishers used a variety of methods including inventory retrieval, authoring, and other bibliographic specifications to control inventory, ordering, and distribution. But using bibliographic specifications was not always the answer, prompting publishers to use internal numbers to identify their works to speed things up, save money and avoid problems caused by the scatter and variety of print sources. , Which was mostly book registration numbers. Although this was a good approach, but since these enumerations were used internally, there were no problems with the expanding book exchanges nationally and internationally. Thus, surveys by a number of book publishers and distributors who used computers to process orders and inventory control in book stores showed that the prerequisite for an efficient machine system was the existence of a single, simple number for identifying publishable items.
ISBN is the international standard book number that is unique to each book. This standard was established by the Librarians’ Association in the UK in year 5. The ISBN is briefly shown in English with ISBN, which stands for International Standard Book Number. Previously, the ISBN or ISBN was a 2-digit code, but now the ISBN is a 2-digit code. ISBNs are used for the sale and control of textbooks by publishers, bookstores, libraries, and other subscribers. ISBN helps you retrieve and search a book from other books without the need for the name of the book, publisher, author, or other book specifications through this number. In the publication of the New Inscription Book after the early stages of the book, an ISBN is assigned to each book. It is worth noting that the ISBN is written in the form of a booklet, a fippy book, and a barcode on the back of the book. It should be noted that the New Inscription Publication assigns the ISBN code immediately after receiving the authors file.

What is FIPA?

FIPA or pre-publication cataloging is the descriptive and analytical cataloging of the book before publication, which is included in the legal page or booklet page. FIPA provides bibliographic information to identify and retrieve a book based on international standards and standards prior to its publication. The National Bibliography is the result of the close collaboration of publishers with the National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran for cataloging books. The plan was unofficially introduced in the US in year 2 and was officially launched for the first time by the Library of Congress of the United States in year 2. For the second time in a year, it was discovered in the Library of Congress of the United States for the second time by the method of cataloging the sources. After about 3 years, 5% of US libraries had a pre-release catalog. In the UK the proposal goes back to Year 2, but its formal implementation comes to Year 2. In year 4, it was announced that 2% of UK libraries would use this scheme. Many countries around the world have already welcomed the initiative. In Iran too, the National Library of Iran experimented with some of the publishers in the year 2006, and after the relative success of its proposal to legalize it, a plan was submitted to the government by the National Library in March for approval by the National Library. Year 2 was notified to the National Library and the National Library was responsible for the implementation of the project. On October 5, the National Library, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, officially launched the project. FIPA’s benefits include reducing the cost of cataloging in libraries and information centers in the country, integrating bibliographic information with libraries across the country, and accelerating the dissemination of information about the publication of a work across national and international networks. The Directorate General for Processing and Organizing the National Library and Documentation Organization is directly responsible for issuing FIPA in the Islamic Republic of Iran and has no representative at the national level, and the issuance of FIPA is only done free of charge by the National Library and Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The Directorate General for Processing and Organizing the National Library and Documentation Organization is directly responsible for issuing FIPA in the Islamic Republic of Iran and has no representative at the national level, and the issuance of FIPA is only done free of charge by the National Library and Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Therefore, any activity of individuals and legal entities that issue FIPAs in the cities by issuing FIPAs with money from publishers is not approved by the General Administration and is unlawful and pursuable. Fake and unlawfully issued phishing information is never included in the Iranian National Bibliography and will not be searchable.
All publishers, after receiving FIPA, are requested to include the correct information on the legal basis of the book and to refrain from altering the book information after FIPA separately. Contact the FIPA Unit of the National Library of the Islamic Republic of Iran if the book is changed before printing.

The information book in FIPAI is listed as follows:

• Notes: In the Notes section comes the name of the original author of the book along with their birthday
Title and Author: This is the name of the book and the name of all authors
• Publication Specifications: Here is the address of the book publisher, the name of the book publisher, and the year the book was published
Appearance: Includes the number of pages of the book and, if available, the table, picture, chart
• ISBN: The ISBN number of the book is listed here
• Subject: Includes the subject of the book and the keywords of the books
• Added ID: If the book has more than one author, the names of the other authors will be written separately in the added ID
• Congressional Classification, Dewey Classification, and National Bibliography Number: These specifications relate to book registration codes at the National Library and FIPA Center.

Book cover design:

The book cover actually covers and protects the pages of the book. Today, with the advancement of science and technology, paper and cardboard technology, and because of the large number of people and the overwhelming use of books, bookbinding is taken over and simple, and most books consist of a paperback. Of course, the wide range of printing and printing possibilities has led to the use of different designs and colors on the cover of the book. Since the name and title of each book is printed on the cover, most designers try to reflect the content of the book in the form of a layout, image or special arrangement on the cover of the book, taking into account the wishes and needs of the audience. Today’s book cover design is more diverse than it used to be. This diversity also includes the genus of books.
The cover should be able to give the reader a clear definition of the character and content of the book and encourage him to buy. Customers are reluctant to meet. The books behind the bookstores showcase, regardless of the name of the author, poet or translator who can play a significant role in selling the book, require good visual and propaganda capabilities to introduce to the audience. In the meantime, some publishers, with their wide-ranging design possibilities, simply put their books on the market, but there are also publishers who are contemplating the cover of the book at the same time as the early stages of producing a book, to make a magnificent and valuable book. Bookstores arrive.
The book cover is divided into three main sections: cover, back cover, and turning. In addition to these surfaces, there are other parts of the book cover, including the inner surfaces of the cover or the edge of the sheet. Farsi books are on the cover, right and back of the book, on the left side of the book pages. Cover design also represents the value of the content of the book, meaning it must be designed in a way that presents the viewer and the reader with how and how much space the book has. This should be sophisticated, as the designer has to design, at a small, brief level, the ideas needed to make the reader at a glance familiar with the overall context of the book and to prepare his or her mind to read the book. Make. Many publishers who are aware of the importance of trying to make the cover design as attractive as possible to attract the reader and the buyer of these manufactured goods. The book cover, together with the correct alignment of the texts, images, and colors, can be effective in presenting the book correctly and successfully.

Book cover:

The first page of the book we come across is called the cover of the book. Book cover Generally written on the book cover, the name of the book, the name of the authors or collectors. In translation books, if the translator’s name is put on the cover of the book, it is best to first print the title of the book, then the author’s name, and finally the translator’s name; Translator’ . Having two names on the cover, together without the words ‘authoring’ or ‘writing’ or ‘translation’ etc., may make the reader think that the two have co-written the book. In addition to the material mentioned there should be an image corresponding to the content of the book on this page.

Content on book turning:

The reverse of the book is usually the author’s name and short title of the book and the short name or mark (logo) of the publisher. Depending on the diameter of the book, these can be horizontal or vertical. When printed vertically, in English and American books the content is usually top-down and in European books more than bottom-up. English-American style dominates in Farsi.

Table of Contents:

The back of the book cover is the last level of the book cover. For bilingual and multilingual books, it is best to present the book’s specification and content behind the book cover in other languages or languages. Sometimes it is printed behind the cover of a book about the author, the author’s photo, or a brief introduction to the book. In addition, it is common to include the name of the publication, the publication logo, the publication address, the publication URL, the ISBN code and the barcode.

Important topics in book cover design:

۱٫ Design a cover that is customer-friendly and attractive.
۲٫ Apart from being attractive, the book cover design should reflect the subject and its content.
۳٫ Try to use less gradient (going from color to color bluntly) because it doesn’t come out when printing what you want.
۴٫ There is a uniformity between the cover design, the book turning and the back of the book cover so that the background color of all three parts is the same because the precision of the book is not precisely set when placing the book cover on the book. As a result, part of the cover is turned over or part of the cover is turned over and if the colors of the backgrounds are the same, no problem.
۵٫ Convert the format from RGB to CMYK before sending the file for printing so that what you see is closer to the print file because the colors are visible in RGB mode that you won’t see when printing.
۶٫ Avoid placing important texts and images in the margins, as they will be deleted when cropping.
۷٫ Design the book size so that it does not shrink after the book is cut.

Important points in designing book cover types:

When designing a book cover, the designer should pay attention to the important points, some of which are briefly explained in several disciplines. Note that in the modern inscription publication, the cover designer of each book has sufficient mastery over the subject of the book.
The cover design of a scientific book, and usually most books, is done at the last stage before the book is printed. In designing a science book cover, it is best to study the content of the book so that it can be made a mental image and implemented. If there was any visual content within the book, it would be better to use the images on the cover. In addition, experience in the design of the cover behind the scientific book has shown that the incorporation of credible sources used in the content of the book as well as the author’s academic credentials has attracted more book attention and higher book sales. Most science textbooks have many specialized concepts that a simple designer may not understand well, so newer publications assign scientific book cover design to specialized and educated graphic designers in the same academic field. This way the author of the book can rest assured that the design of his book cover will be of high quality and in accordance with the text of his book.
High quality book cover design and high quality management will ensure more sales and increase circulation, though finding an attractive design is a daunting task, as the cover design of the humanities and management books certainly needs to be tailored to the specific effects. With the content of the book. One can find lean ideas for humanities and management book design by looking at book sales sites around the world, such as Amazon, or using the image of a successful international manager with a well-known name on the management book cover, but the point is The key to designing the cover of the Humanities and Management books is to have a unique and unique design by an experienced professional. It is best to be a subsidiary of the publishing company that intends to print your book, as well as being familiar with the publishing style of work, it can be coordinated with other publishing agents to bring the high quality and customer-oriented book collection to market.
The cover design of the engineering books should be modern and up to date and it is best to have the title of the book on the cover in both Farsi and English. Engineered books are very diverse due to their general and specialized use, and the look and layout of the book cover are differentiated by the buyer, so the design of the engine cover should be supplemented with more detail on the subject and internal content and The unique photos associated with it are done in a creative and attractive way by a professional and professional design. Sometimes, though, the science book being prepared for translation is a translation, often using the same source design or design that is largely similar, to cover design, or to draw more attention to the book’s audience. , A summary of the translator’s activities and expertise are placed on the back of the book. Observing certain parameters, such as the type and style of images, title font and its location on the cover for better visibility and the colors used in the design of the cover of a book of books has a direct impact on its appeal and appealing quality. To do this better, the graphic designer needs to be an expert in the design of engineering books and to work closely with the author to keep him or her aware of the value and value of the book and share with him or her an idea and design for the book cover. Let.
The cover design of art and architecture books should be a mix of art and industry, as it is the source of architectural art and beautification, so it should be visible and intangible when designing the cover of art and architecture books. Art and Architecture Books are among the categories of academic book printing that would benefit the author in many ways if published in Modern Inscription Publishing, because the design of the Art and Architecture Book Cover will be more desirable and specialized if done by a specialist architect of academic university textbooks. Was.Cover design for a baby book should be accompanied by a variety of beautifying and attention-grabbing techniques for children and be able to display the content within the book in the form of beautiful and comprehensible illustrations for the child with happy and attractive color combinations. This is very important because for children, especially those under the age of seven, the book cover should help them communicate better and get their attention. Beautiful texts can also be used to design children’s book covers at an early age. The above considerations will have a significant impact on increasing sales and circulation of the child’s book when considering the design of the baby book cover.
The cover design of the storybook should be a good conveyor of the story’s content and stimulate the audience’s curiosity. For example, writing a memoir of the author, honors, or previous successful printed books or part of the story behind the cover, along with an attractive graphic design, will be very effective in getting the audience interested in buying the book. Considering the storytelling style and whether the book consists of a few short stories or a long story collection plays a key role in the design of the cover.
Book cover design also plays a very important role in its sales, as many of the novel’s audience have no background in it and can only buy the book from behind a shop window or view it on a website, so the book cover design to Along with the catchy title, there are two main factors in communicating with the reader. The effort of the author and the spirit of the novel must be tangible in the image and design of the book cover, so a professional designer must read the novel before starting to know what the story is and how to appropriately and comprehensively design the cover of the novel. Transmit the audience, and if he puts a brief or engaging summary of the content within the novel behind the book, he has certainly been more successful in his work.
The cover design of the poetry book can be matched with the poetry style used in the book. Whether the poem is sonnet or whitewashed and generally of the old or new style, the cover design of the poetry book is influenced. The theme of romantic or sad poetry, social or religious, and the like are effective in the coloring and illustrations used on the cover of the book. The cover behind the book of poetry should also be considered. A brief introduction to the poet, a note from him or a short piece of poetry inside the book will have interesting and interesting ideas for attracting an audience and increasing the sales of poetry.

Book publishing

Depending on the type of book to print, the content of the book will usually consist of 2 grams of paper, 2 grams of writing, glaze or straw and paperback (2 or 3 grams of cardboard, and a matte or glossy laminate and sometimes uv). Topical), hardcover or hard cover. Usually the interior text of the monochrome book (black and white) and the cover of the 6-color book (GTU) are selected.
A book will be circulated according to the market and the purpose of its printing and will be published in one of the following ways, according to the intended circulation. The printing methods are as follows:
۱٫ Books that are printed in high circulation are offset, with both cost-effective and cost-effective printing at the highest possible cost.
۲٫ Books that are published in limited circulation, known as desktop publishing, will be published in two types and in two different ways:
A) Digital Method: In this method, which is cost effective up to 5 volumes, digital printing machines are used which print resolution varies from 2 to 3 dpi depending on the type and model of the machine, so optimum print quality and Some cases are offset printing. Another important thing about this type of printing is that the internal text of the book has been completely printed and arranged by the machine itself, with no manual or secondary devices arranged and that the pages will not have errors.
B) Risky method: In this method, using Risky based printing machines, it is cost effective between 2 and 3 volumes depending on the type of machine, printing resolution between 2 to 3pd depending on the type and model of the machine. It was different, so the print quality was in most cases poor, and the photos and screens were not well printed and were justifiably cost effective. It should be noted that in this method, the forms and internal pages are first printed separately and then manipulated by human hands or arrangers, and there is a possibility of error in layout.

Distribution and sale of books

Book sales are another part of the job of publishing a book, but the publisher and the writers themselves can play a significant role in selling and increasing their book sales by:
The first approach: New Inscription Publications
Modern Scroll Publishing, considering that it is not only involved in the printing and production of your book, and assisting you in the sale of your work, considers it morally one of its important duties, so it offers you free services after your book is published; Here’s a summary of these services:
۱٫ The new inscription publishes a full-color poster for your book, trying to get the audience familiar with the subject of your book, its content features, and a summary of the book’s contents and book cover design; A: First, this way you can gift the book’s poster instead of giving away a cover of your book, and don’t have to give it to the consumer for free. This way anyone who really wants to read your book will have to buy it from bookstores. Second, the poster gives your book a special credit, and from the standpoint of industrial psychology, it will stimulate the audience’s curiosity and ultimately buy your book. It should be noted that in most developed countries of the world, the most basic way to market and promote a book is to produce and distribute a poster.
۲٫ Another great free-to-read inscription publication service for your authors is that whenever you publish at least seven book titles, from the eighth book onwards, at the end of your books, the catalog includes a cover design and an explanation of the content and features of your books. This will introduce and inform your other books to the audience, and if the audience is influenced by your pen, they will be eager to provide other books. Statistics from Modern Inscription Publications have shown that this approach increases the sales of one author’s books by more than 5%, and even books that do not meet the general public demand are selling faster than before.
۳٫ The New Inscription Publications always sends a copy of its author’s books to each of the departments of the Ministry of Culture’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, the Book House and the National Library of Iran, and if the organization purchases any number of books, it will be fully paid to the author. Will pay. Buying books by these organizations not only recoups a significant amount of your costs, but usually because the purchased books are distributed in municipal and public libraries nationwide, attracting bulk orders from all over the country.
۴٫ The most important places to sell and sell books are book fairs; according to official statistics in each province, there are an average of 7 days of book fairs each year, with sales of about 2% to 5% of the province’s total yearly sales The importance and position of any book sale is at the Book Fair; New Inscription Publications will take a small step in introducing your book to audiences by presenting and selling your book at various international and provincial exhibitions.

The second approach: Writers’ activities in distribution and sales
You can get involved in the direct selling process of your book in a variety of ways, but typically the following are more successful than the other:
۱٫ University Teaching: Many of the books that are republished in Modern Inscription Publications are of this category; usually the authors of these books are lecturers of the same course or, in agreement with other university professors, their books are introduced as a textbook; Current statistics on the textbooks of modern textbooks published this way are published an average of six volumes a year, an acceptable figure and justification for the economic success of the book.
۲٫ Membership in Groups and Communities: Until now in New Inscription Publications, authors of public books, especially literary and poetry, have used this method; usually in these groups people support each other for spiritual reinforcement, even if they are not in use. In our experience, the authors who sell their books publish their work in a circulation of 5 to 5 volumes; these active and enthusiastic authors, after completing their publishing, publish a new book They are published.
۳٫ Marketing in Groups and Virtual Environments (Like Mobile and the Internet): Creative writers have introduced and sold their books in this way.
۴٫ Direct and Direct Marketing by Bookstores Author: As we told you about the process of distributing books to educators, bookstores have no good middle ground with accepting unknown books from distribution centers, but on the other hand, for some reason are willing to accept them. Books (by lending) are books by the author, and if a writer engages in direct distribution and marketing of his book, he will distribute his book at the bookstore level, if your pen is literally good and the subject of your book is appealing to readers. Be the early success of your book this way The old one is certain and in a short time there are bookstores and distribution centers that will be looking for your own book; today we know many talented writers who have endured their hard work with great prestige and hard work.

The third approach: using a valid and appropriate book distribution
As stated at the outset, the task of distributing the book is primarily the job of “distributing the book”. Modern Inscription Publications accompanies the authors by introducing a prestigious and appropriate book distribution.

Introducing several book marketing and selling techniques for authors

۱٫ Find all journals that have a book introduction section, such as Success Magazine, and submit your book information in accordance with the journal structure to be printed in the book introduction section.
۲٫ Speech at seminars and conferences related to your field of work, and introduce yourself as a book author in the lecture introduction section. Talk to the seminar organizer to get your book for sale at the seminar.
۳٫ Make a summary of your book in 5 pages and publish it as a pdf online. Explain how to prepare a book in this electronic file. Upload this file to dozens of free e-book websites.
۴٫ Allocate 1 copy of your book to marketing and send it to all magazines and journals and give them a gift, perhaps one of them will write an article about your book.
۵٫ Sell the book in unusual places. Many authors disagree, but the results can be overwhelming. Ebooks, for example, are sold in computer hardware stores much more than bookstores.
۶٫ Launch a small website that allows you to buy mail books so that interested people can order the book by registering their address.
۷٫ Provide an audio summary of your book with your own voice and place it on the phone messenger. Advertise in the ad to call your phone number for free within 5 minutes to hear a book summary
۸٫ Submit sections of the book to websites as well as magazines. Write an article below that is the source of your book.
۹٫ Introduce your book as a gift and explain to whom this book can be useful and why it is a gift for them.
۱۰٫ Always carry your books. Keep a box of your books, some banners and bookmarks in your backpack, and your business cards in your wallet. You never know when you’re going to meet a potential customer or marketing interface.
۱۱٫ Look for communication opportunities in your neighborhood. Want to visit your grandmother for the weekend? Do some local research before you move. Identify the bookstores and libraries you can contact. Or plan a book tour with your friends and relatives.
۱۲٫ Work as a Native Writer to promote bookstores and libraries. Many bookstores and libraries have a special section where they display books by native and local authors.
۱۳٫ Look for the right retailers. Find out which ones are relevant to the subject of your book and introduce yourself as a native author.
۱۴٫ Stick the “Native Author” tag on the books you sell in your city.
۱۵٫ Lecture in libraries. Contact libraries about your book introduction program. These programs are effective for children’s books and non-fiction titles (such as travel, business, or fitness) that have a general audience. Many libraries allow you to sell your book in such programs, and some charge a lecture fee.
۱۶٫ Find lecture opportunities. Lecturing is a great way to sell your books, and you may even have to pay a fee to lecture even when you have experience. There are many organizations (such as business and civic organizations, religious groups, schools and universities, business companies, etc.) that are looking for attractive speakers for their ceremonies.
۱۷٫ Search for popular local and local media. Send the book ad to the media in the city where you grew up and live. Good trick in small towns. Build your ads based on locally relevant components. Don’t forget the alumni program and any related organizations or professional associations. Non-fiction writers should also consider radio and television talk shows.
۱۸٫ Participate in exhibitions and festivals. Attending exhibitions and festivals is usually best if your book is related to their subject matter or has a wide audience.
۱۹٫ Introduce children’s books to schools and youth organizations. Visiting school is a great way to reach children.

Reinforce resume by printing books

Reinforce resume for hire

If you have been looking for a job for a long time but have not yet found a good job or have not found a job in your home, you probably have not been able to write a good resume to the required standards and are aware of the resume boosting methods for hiring. One of the best ways to enhance a resume is to hire academics or recruit for teaching or academic resume training through book publishing. Instant Book Publishing Instant Book Publishing is the highest quality affordable way to boost your resume for hire. Contact our experts for more information to help you find the right job that suits you and give you free advice.

Reinforce resume for career promotion

Reinforcing resumes is important for professors and educators because it improves their academic standing by publishing articles, lectures, or scholarly research in the form of books, and enhancing their academic standing. This type of person, by printing the book at high circulation, can further enhance their financial standing to print their book, in addition to strengthening their resume for a career promotion, but the book printing has many stages and stages that require a reputable publisher to print. A high quality university textbook requires. Modern Inscription Publications has a brilliant track record of attending international exhibitions and publishing many books in the specialized and public areas of choice for book publishing to enhance the resume for career and scientific advancement of science and science residents. Modern Inscription Publishing completes all stages of book printing in a quality of less than one month with at least two copies of the desired volume. It should be noted that the cost of a resume boost for a job promotion through book printing is much lower than that of an ISI article.

Reinforce resume for doctoral interview

Reinforcing your resume for a doctoral interview through book publishing is our recommendation to you and is a popular and popular way of applying for higher education, because even with a doctoral exam, you have only passed half the way and you are subject to admission. Having a strong resume and proving their abilities to professors has made the path difficult with international journals boycotting and the dollar rising to expose articles, so if you intend to gain more credit by boosting your resume for a doctoral interview, the New Inscription Publication Offer Is to write or translate a book in your field of study D or the end of the book convert your mail. Do all of these paths with zero to a hundred, using the wide range of specialty publishing opportunities in our publications, even with limited edition books, to get a better chance of getting a doctorate. In addition, having the most recent score in the most recent referee scoring table has the most value for having a printed book, which is a strong reason to prove that the best way to reinforce a resume is for a PhD interview. Our experts and consultants are looking forward to contacting you for guidance on book publishing terms and costs.

Enhance Resume for Scholarships from Foreign Universities

Boosting Resume for Foreign University Scholarships is a challenge for scholars seeking scholarships, but experts believe that printing books is one of the best and cheapest ways to raise a resume for foreign universities. Is. Modern Inscription Publications provides all the tools and conditions needed to produce instant, high-quality textbooks, providing the perfect platform for academic and non-academic book publishing. Modern Scroll Publications as one of the most prolific publishers in the country has lowered costs in addition to helping the book printing market thrive, giving more motivation and confidence to the academic community seeking low-cost, low-cost books. If you need a resume to apply for a scholarship from a foreign university but do not have sufficient knowledge of writing or translating a book, Modern Inscription Publications has a wealth of specialist staff in various fields to advise and assist you. Note that book printing, in addition to being less expensive than article publishing in journals, has a higher rating among reviewers of the Applicant Resume Review Committee. Contact us to learn more about how to print a book and get free advice on how to step up your resume for foreign universities.

Reinforce resume for personal brand

Reinforcing a resume for a personal brand means using techniques that maximize your abilities and activities and show them to others in an illustrated format to become familiar with your personal brand. According to many experts, book publishing is one of the best ways to enhance a resume for a personal brand to write their own activities and achievements in a beautiful and unique way to gain a better job or social promotion. Use your prestige. Also, if you can translate or write a book from a reputable field in your field of expertise, then print and distribute it through reputable publications, in addition to reinforcing your own brand resume, it will make your name debatable nationwide and even Born and essentially a new marketing strategy. New inscription publishing has paved the way for many young aspiring writers and publishers by publishing high quality academic and non-academic books at affordable prices. It also has an active presence at international book fairs, which increases the credibility and resume of your brand.

Types of book printing contracts with publishers

۱٫ The right to author
In this type of contract, the publisher or investor pays the author a closed contract and a small percentage of the book’s sales as a copyright. Publishers or investors in the publishing industry tend to close this kind of deal with well-known and best-selling books, which usually applies to very limited people. This type of contract can be attractive to some people because they do not pay or play a role, but if they sell a good book, they will lose. If you are unsure about selling your book do not underestimate this type of contract. In this type of copyright contract, the publisher is always reserved and the author ultimately loses his or her book privilege.
۲٫ Participate in printing
This type of contract is divided between the parties on the basis of an agreement between the publisher or the investor and the owner of the cost of printing and distributing the book as well as the profits from the sale of the book. The important thing to consider in this type of contract is that the amount stated as the cost of printing by the publisher is the same as the actual amount and the publisher or investor in this part of the cost does not consider himself a profit.
۳٫ Sell effect
The author or the holder of this contract assigns all material and intellectual property rights to the publisher or investor in return for payment, or the author creates a work in custom for the publisher or investor.
۴٫ Author Publisher
In this way, the author completes the whole book process and eventually contracts with the publisher to publish the book, which usually takes a long time due to the authors being unfamiliar with the steps and methods of doing the work and causing problems for the authors. We don’t recommend it to writers.
۵٫ Author’s investment
In this case, the author will bear all the costs of printing his own work and enjoy all the benefits. It should be noted that at the time of signing this type of contract, the author must make sure that the author or owner of the work is mentioned in the clause or article defining the copyright of the work.

The benefits of publishing a book through the author’s investment include the following:
• In this way all copyright and intellectual property rights of the work will be available to the author.
• Get all the files and book zinks and book layout files
• Enjoy the benefits of selling books to organizations and organizations and overseeing all stages
• Saving time for obtaining permits and administrative procedures and printing books because of the familiarity of publishers with all the stages
• The most important advantage of the author-publisher approach is that it will not be publicly available in any book or publisher, but if published by the publisher, it will also be sold to organizations and organs if it is published. Was.

Types of book printing

۱٫ digital print

This type of printing is essentially the same as printing, and this method is cost-effective up to 4 volumes using digital printing machines that vary in print resolution from 2 to 3 dpi depending on the type and model of the machine, Therefore, the print quality is optimal and in some cases offset. Another thing that is important in this type of printing is that the text of the book is completely printed and arranged by the machine itself, with no manual or secondary scrolls arranged, and there is no error in the order of the pages. Note that low-volume book printing (under 5 volumes) is a cost-effective way of selling digital printing and digital printing, and in very low prints the cost per volume may be low. Even more than the back cover price. This is why printing with this method is suitable for professors who need a limited number of books to meet the needs of their students or those who want to enhance their resume. Digital printing usually involves low-level professional printing by desktop publishing and other digital sources, which is done by professional format lyzers and large format printers or inks. While digital printing costs more to print each page than traditional methods such as offset, this higher price is usually offset by the additional cost involved in producing printing plates in low print runs. Digital printing enables fast post-print printing in low circulation and allows the layout and contents of each print sheet to be changed. Digital printing also saves manpower and the expanding power of digital printing machines in enhancing print quality, lowering the cost of printing each sheet of paper and increasing circulation in digital printing means that digital printing is in competition with It is offset printing and even surpassing it. Digital printing on the market means toner printing by a variety of professional laser printers on different types of paper.

۲٫ Offset

Offset printing is a type of printing that prints and prints the photo onto the rubber surface of a cylinder and then prints it on paper with another cylinder pressure. A typical offset printing machine has three cylinders. In offset printing, they transfer what is to be printed onto a sheet of metal called zinc, then laminate it with chemicals that capture only the prints and images. Zinc is wrapped around the first cylinder; its design is due to the pressure on the rubber lining of the second cylinder. White paper wrapped around the third cylinder receives the contents of the second cylinder rubber. Offset printing machines work faster than flat print. This type of printing is usually used to print 2 copies of the book above. Offset printing is a four color combination of the four main colors of blue, red, yellow and black (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK), so-called CMYK. All four colors can be combined by combining these four main colors. The file sent for offset printing must be converted from RGB to CMYK. Finally, the CMYK file is lithographed and a zinc is extracted for each color above (for 2-color designs, 2 zincs, for 2-color schemes, 2 zincs, and for zinc book interior textures) and sent to the printing press. . Keep in mind when designing a border for the work as it is usually removed half a centimeter from the work area at the time of cutting.

Book Type Definition:

• Writing: This title is used for a book when the author personally converts his or her research output to new, first-hand content.
• Translation: The author translates a book from one language to another (mentioning original book information is required)
• Collecting: The author collects the contents of other authors’ books, articles, and texts in a collection by permission and citation.
• Writing and Translation: The author does a mix of writing and translation work.

Standard font and font size:

• For Persian books, the preference is to use B fontus, B nazanin, B zar, B mitra, and the font size is standard 2, and if using Latin words we will use Times new roman font and font size 4.1. Also, the footer size should be selected for Farsi 0.8 and Latin 4.4.
• For English books, Times new roman font and font size 4.4 are used.
• Since the Windows program only has its own standard fonts and some authors tend to use other fonts, Modern Scroll Publications has compiled a complete collection of all the useful fonts you can dearly use from the following key: Download them for free.
Order the contents in the book:
• Book title page (including book name, authors, year of publication)
• Book ID page (FIPA is at the top of the page and book details at the bottom of the page)
• page dedicated to
• Thank you page
• Foreword (if the foreword is generally stated)
• Table of Contents Page
• List of tables, charts, figures
• Foreword (if the foreword is about the content of the book)
• Introduction
• Chapter One …..
• Attachment or Attachment
• References
• Word Book
Tip 2: In offset printing (circulation 1 or higher) the total number of pages in the book should be a multiple of 1 (due to the use of zinc), and for the number of pages less than 2, the white page will be added to the book except The number of pages of the book is not considered. For example, it is added to the 2-page, 4-page white book.
Tip 2: In digital printing (limited edition), a white page will not be added unless the number of pages is individual, in which case a white page will be added to the book.
Tip 2: Try to keep the total number of pages of the book even.

Introduction to Color Modes and Graphics Formats:

Photoshop has basic color modes that can be used in a variety of images and for a variety of applications such as print, display, web, and more. Including RGB (red, green, blue) and CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, Black) and Grayscale. Each color is made up of six numbers, each digit in the hexadecimal system (hexadecimal) and both digits representing the same color. For example, # 1 shows F1C1C color in RGB mode with 2% red, 2% green and 2% blue, or CMYK color with 2% pistachio green color. Its orange-red is 2 percent, its yellow 2 percent and its black 2 percent. If you click on the color palette at the bottom of the Photoshop toolbar and then on the left side of the popup window by clicking on the different color spots, you’ll be able to see the amount of color in different modes in the right column or in the hexadecimal system in See the bottom box of the color code window.
On the other hand, each color has a variable number of colors per color channel, which will increase the quality and thus increase the image size, which should be considered in different color applications. These two color modes are 1 and 2 Bits \ Channel, available from the Image \ Mode menu.

Color Modes:

In Photoshop, it offers the following eight color modes available from the Image \ Mode menu:
۱٫ RGB Color mode
۲٫ CMYK Color mode
۳٫ Lab Color mode
۴٫ Bitmap mode
۵٫ Grayscale mode
۶٫ Duotone mode
۷٫ Indexed Color mode
۸٫ Multichannel mode
The following describes each of the color modes.
۱٫ RGB Color mode
This color mode is actually designed for color intensities in the range of zero (black) to 1 (white) for pixels that come from three colors: red, green and blue. When all three colors are the same, it gives a gray color. Images in RGB color have three colors or three color channels, with their continuous reproduction producing on-screen colors. Three color channels are translated into 2 bits (3 bits x 3 channels) containing color information for each pixel. These 2 bits can create over 1.5 million colors. With 2 bits (1 bits per channel) most colors are reproduced or repeated. This color mode is mostly used to display the monitor screen. This means that even if your image is in non-display color mode, it still turns it into RGB mode that can be displayed on the monitor. Although RGB is a standard color mode, the color quality of the display depends on your hardware and graphics card, so Photoshop will adjust these settings and choose the best and closest color display depending on the hardware on the display platform.
۲٫ CMYK Color mode
In Photoshop, the CMYK fashion, shortened to Cyan Magenta Yellow Black (blue, green, yellow, and black), is actually achieved by assigning different percentages of different amounts of ink per color. The brightest color contains the lowest percentages and the darkest colors are obtained by assigning the highest percentages because the color concentration will be higher in this case. For example, bright red contains 2% cyan, 93% magenta, 90% yellow, 0% black. White is also used with zero percent allocation to all inks. Use CMYK mode when you want to get the most out of your image when it comes to printing more. Converting from RGB to CMYK mode results in color separation, so you can edit the image in RGB mode and then convert it to CMYK. In RGB mode you can apply effects to the image which is not possible in CMYK mode. If you are a professional Photoshop user you have noticed that many effects are disabled in CMYK mode but all of them are enabled in RGB mode so you can use this feature to work in RGB mode and then switch to CMYK mode. You’ll also be able to work directly on images received from scanners or high quality imaging systems in CMYK mode. Although CMYK is a standard fashion, the quality of the ink composition depends on the quality of the images you receive and prints. Photoshop tries to choose the closest to best quality for CMYK images.
۳٫ Lab Color mode
Lab is an intermediate color mode in Photoshop that is created when converting color from one mode to another.The Lab Color Lab Color is actually one of three lightness (L) inks that can be changed in the range of zero to 100, Green-red axis (a ) And the blue-yellow axis (b), which range from +1 to +1. In the Photoshop color palette, component a and component b are scalable from +1 to -1. You can use Lab Mode to work on photo CD images, edit brightness and brightness, and color the images, and then transfer the images between multiple systems or print with Level 2 and Level 2 PostScript printers. To print Lab Fashion images with other PostScript tools, you can convert it to CMYK mode first.
۴٫ Bitmap mode
This color scheme actually combines two black and white inks to produce colors for the pixels of an image. The images in this mode are called bitmapped 1-bit images because their bit depth is one. The use of secure colors for the web is also considered because it results in lower volume and at the same time increases the speed of loading web pages, while the quality of images is lower than other color modes such as CMYK.
۵٫ Grayscale mode
Grayscale fashion offers up to 4 degrees of color for gray. Each pixel of color in Grayscale mode provides brightness in the range of zero (black) to hundred (white). Also various percentages of black ink fall within the scope of Grayscale fashion definition. Black and white images are automatically defined in Grayscale fashion. Like other color modes, despite the standard color percentages and color pixels of these percentages, each pixel still has the quality of scanning and printing tools and systems, but Photoshop tries to figure out the best combination. You will be able to convert all images into Grayscale fashion that will be of high quality and widely used for black and white printing.
۶٫ Duotone mode
Duotone fashion, which actually helps create custom colors by creating different color ranges from one to four, namely monotone, duotone (two-color), tritone (three-color), and quadtone (four-color). Can be used for printing monochrome, two-color, three-color and four-color images. In other words, Photoshop allows you to create images in quadruple mode, edit colors and convert them to single-color, two-color, three-color and four-color prints. Monotones are actually the same gray color that lacks black ink. Other situations are different combinations of color inks.
۷٫ Indexed Color mode
Images in Indexed Color mode create 2-bit images with 4-color depth using 3 colors. In this fashion, Photoshop creates a table of colors, with each color in the image pointing to a color in the table and hence called an Indexed Color. If there is a color in the image that does not exist in the table, the software will try to find the closest possible color to that color. This preserves the quality by reducing file size because instead of allocating color channels for different image colors, there is an existing color table, each color pointing to an entry in this table. In this case only the table should be stored, which will occupy far less volume than when each image holds its color channels individually. You can also edit the image in RGB mode first and then return to Indexed Color mode.
۸٫ Multichannel mode
Which uses 2 levels of gray color in each color channel. This color mode is used for special printing.

Graphic formats:

This graphic structure works by dividing the image into a number of fine pixels and then assigning color to each pixel and adjusting its color intensity and layer. Although each pixel can only display one color and its resolution, one image can contain hundreds and thousands of pixels. Bit map graphics have a fundamental problem, which is that if you want to enlarge or shrink a Bit map file, its texture and quality will change and even cause image cracking. Programs to resize images of Bit map you’re using one of two methods for this purpose are, how the first by stretching the pixels in large size pictures acts, without the number of pixels in the image to change it The possible way is to create sharp, serrated edges in the image.
Another uncompressed graphical format is the Bit map type, which is widely supported by graphics applications and supports any size, resolution or depth of color, thus making scanner developers one of the major TIFF developers. Most graphics applications, including PowerPoint and Adobe Photoshop, can store their files in this format. But keep in mind that TIFF as a compressed format requires a lot of space, even more than the BMP type, to save, especially if you are working on high resolution images.
If you browse the web pages you will see images with JPEG, JPG and GIF extensions. Both formats use compression, and as a result, the files created are smaller and faster to download and upload. The GIF type initially compresses the graphic files by the same format as the JPEG file, and sometimes reduces the file size by up to 2%, but reduces the image resolution of the image. That’s it. JPEG compressed files lose their color rendering during a process called compression compression. That is, you exchange the quality of the image with a smaller volume. But many graphics applications allow the user to control the amount of image compression.
Today, the PNG format is the default image file format for photos created by Mac computers, and almost all browsers can open them. In addition, each image editing program has its own format. The image quality is good in PNG format, and the image size is greatly reduced.
The Photoshop application uses the PSD format. This format does not reduce image information and preserves layers, so you can return exactly to the project where you projected it while working on the project. However, these formats usually do not open in programs other than the developer program, forcing you to eventually save the files in JPEG format.
Where you can specify the number of colors to use in storage and are more likely to use low-color logos and images, other features of this type of file can be Transparent (no background color).

Printing & Printing Industry

The word ‘print’ and its older form have been termed ‘chop’ from the Mongolian word chaw which means ‘squeezing surface to surface’. Printing in the word means role, effect, stamp and mark and has been used in various texts as synonyms for the words natural, bass, and taffeta. Printing in the term, practice, technique, and industry of facial reproduction and two-dimensional roles such as letters, figures, lines, images, etc. by dropping the effects of these roles on paper, fabric, or other materials, especially the reading of materials, by Image with or without image is called paper. In other words, printing is the sum of operations that convert raw text into a well-publicized work such as a book, magazine, newspaper, and so on. Paper printing is the most well-known print job. Nowadays, with the advancement of printing techniques, this process is performed on cellulose, nylon, fabric, leather, chemicals, metal, glass with smooth or rough shapes, concave or convex, etc. The word “printing” also refers to the place where the word is printed, and in the various texts the word “linguistic”, “linguistic”, and “bishop” are used as synonyms. A print shop is an institution that manages to print on paper and other objects through a variety of prints, in other words, the place where the printing of books, publications, and the like takes place. Today, printing is regarded as a mass industrial process, comprising an essential part of the publishing industry and an important part of government and government activities.
One of the most important events in history has been the invention of the independent print alphabet and printing press, which was predominantly thought to be the first German invention by Johannes Gutenberg (6–۱), but in fact centuries before Gutenberg. Returns.

Lithography Book

After obtaining the cover and designing the cover, the final file must be ready for printing. Publishing sends the final file to lithography first and then to the printing house. Lithography is the process by which we make metal plates of aluminum, called zinc. We use these pages in the printer for use in the offset printing machine to perform paper printing operations. Lithography is therefore an intermediary step in offset printing. Designed files are first converted to metal plates in lithography and then transferred to the printing press where they can be printed on paper.
In lithography, the files are first divided into four main colors, and then the image of each color is printed with a special polymer on the metal plate. The surface of this sheet is covered with materials that do not absorb the printing in any way. Instead, the polymer material that prints the design on zinc is a composite adsorbent. The same property is used in printing. A device called ImageSetter is used to make zinc. The machine prints all four files separated from the original file in black on transparent transparency. In fact, the Image Setter machine is nothing more than a large, black and white laser printer capable of printing on transparent film. Of course, the accuracy of printing and printing resolution on this machine is extremely high. Once these are prepared, they are stuck to raw zinc and fixed with special clamps. The raw zinc surface is covered with a composite absorbent polymer material and during the process of making zinc, additional parts are removed from the surface to remain only portions of the design. In fact, printing operations on zinc are done in the reverse order. It should be noted that for the black and white parts of the book (the texts of the book or the book cover) a zinc is provided and for volume 2 zinc.
Note: If you use gold and silver in the cover design, you should use 2 zinc for the cover.

Printing and printing

What is Industrial Printing?

Of course you hear a lot about industrial printing these days, as you know with the advances in science and technology and the presence of new technologies, the printing industry has also undergone major changes and is expanding and expanding. You need to know: There are many different ways in the printing industry, each of which is used and used for work. In fact, industrial printing has been used for all advertising, magazine covers and books, and has a good reputation in these areas. In fact, printing is referred to as a process that has no purely advertising role and is used to make products more beautiful and to enhance the performance of a product. So printing is the only process or process that has yet to find a replacement, and today you will find countless print shops and centers across the city today in the field of instant printing and printing.

What is the use of industrial printing?

Industrial printing means the use of printing technologies in the printing process and is used in many advertising jobs. In fact, it can be said that industrial printing like digital printing has been used in many cases and plays a significant role in this industry. Industrial printing is used to produce all kinds of books and magazines with very high titles.

Industrial Printing Applications

Nowadays, industrial printing, due to its applications, has been able to find its target audience in various print fields. Hence, printing on electronic products, all types of personalized packaging, decorative printing such as: printing on glass, printing on chopsticks or metal, and other products that require proprietary printing, including those for industrial printing Communicate. It’s also interesting to know: One of the prominent features of industrial printing, Acent, which also provides 3D printing on packaging, is great and is very much appreciated.

Types of Industrial Printing

Industrial printing is divided into types of offset printing, digital printing, tampo printing, silk printing, offset printing, flexo printing and silk screen printing, which you are definitely familiar with. For example, for printing books, business cards use offset printing or silk printing for photo printing.

Printing house

The word “printing” has also been used synonymously with the word “printing” in various texts. An institution’s printing house is a complex, or workshop, that handles the printing work on paper and other objects through a variety of printing, in other words, the place where the printing of books, publications, and the like takes place. Today, printing is regarded as a mass industrial process, which is an essential part of the publishing industry and an important part of government and business activities.
A print shop is a workshop in which print jobs (such as book printing, journals, etc.) are done on paper and other things. So-called printing, the transfer of material including texts, images, numbers, and marks onto a form carrier and its transmission onto a printed surface and its plurality in large numbers.

Print Supervisor

The print supervisor is responsible for correctly performing the various printing steps to achieve the highest quality. Since printing has many different types and each type has different steps, it cannot be a fixed order for all print watchers.
Because of the great use of offset printing than other printers, such as digital printing and hologram printing and screen printing, in the book and newspaper publishing industry and its close relationship with graphic designers and photographers, awareness of supervisor duties is more important.
At what stage does the oversight of printing begin and what is the task of the supervisor of printing?
You might imagine that the work of a print supervisor begins when printing and in the printing shop, but not so, and the work of supervising printing begins from the time of product graphic design and the purchase of the printed product, including the purchase of paper and until the delivery of the printed product and arrival. It goes on to customers and sales centers. One of the factors that is crucial to the final quality of a print product is the quality of the paper and printing machine and even the machine that is going to print it.
The most important things a print watcher should pay attention to are:
Paper and paperboard: Paper and paperboard are one of the most important surfaces to be used in offset printing, some of the properties of these materials (color, sex, etc.) have a direct impact on print quality, and the print watcher in addition to recognizing this feature They should pay close attention to their impact on printing. These features include the size of the paper, the path, the mass and thickness, and the types of paper used to print and shine and whiten and reflect.
Paper Size: Paper is produced worldwide due to its wide use in human life. All produced paper is first rolled to a certain width and indefinite length. Some of these paper rolls are used in offset roll printing for numerous paper-like jobs, and some are made by paper producers in standard sizes in sheets and in packages of 1 to 4 It is said to be on the market. Papers are different in size but follow a national and international standard. Due to the fact that the rules of the National Iranian Standards Organization use the International Standard (ISO). Therefore, most of the paper sizes offered in the Iranian paper markets are in accordance with the world standard paper size. But due to the long history of book production in Iran, most print products such as books and magazines are produced in the usual sizes in Iran. These common sizes have also been somewhat aligned with the standard paper sizes to reduce paper waste and other costs.
The duties of a print supervisor are as follows:
• Monitor the paper and cardboard manufacturing process
• Supervision of zinc formulation and preparation
• Check colors before printing
• Check the line up
• Check book page numbers and get customer approval
• Check colors in design software such as Photoshop and Corel and Illustrator
• Identify items such as tram or overprint or tram angles and tram percentages
• Understand the types of papers
• Check for colors and overlaps when printing a book and …
• Understand the types of coatings
• Monitoring and recognition of binding
• Checking the packaging
• Delivering work to customers

Printing Supervisor

The purpose of a print shop supervisor is to manage and supervise print production activities. It is his responsibility to provide appropriate designs to optimize the use of printing equipment and equipment and to monitor staff performance.
۱٫ Supervise and manage printing activities
۲٫ Contribute to the design of suitable designs for optimum use of printing machines and equipment
۳٫ Monitoring staff activities and coordinating printing activities
۴٫ Estimate the quantity and type of supplies needed, such as paper, wax, etc.
۵٫ Examine new print media and comment on their use
۶٫ Guidance and training of staff at work


Book binding is the practice of arranging printed forms of book text, book cover, and ultimately book cutting. The printed forms of the text of the book are folded by folding machine, and then the forms are arranged by binding machine (Example: A 4-page chore book, with 2 printed 5-page forms to be arranged: Form One, Form Two, …, Form 10) And then depending on the type of binder, the binder will be attached to the cover by a binder that can be glued, female wire, sewing and making. It should be noted that the internal texts are printed on a single sheet of paper every 4 or 5 pages. First they send the text papers to the folding machine. Next, the cover of the book is folded up and the inflection point is applied to it. Next the book cover is attached to internal texts. After the glue has dried, the cutting is done and the book is ready. After printing the texts and book cover, the following steps should be taken to bind and prepare the book:
Binding steps. Binding generally has three stages:
۱٫ Composition:
The composition is to put together the book pages in order of page number. This stage consists of four actions:
A) up. In a hand or machine operation, large print sheets that are printed several pages over and over are folded so that the sheets are folded, called folded sheets, and are usually multiples of 1;
B) letting go. It means putting some special color pages, maps or out-of-text images between the pages of a form. This is done by hand;
C) sort. In the binder, putting together multiple forms of a book is arranged so that the pages of the book are aligned. This is done by sequencing machines in machine-bound;
D) sewing. After sorting the forms, the bottom of each volume should be stitched together. This is done in two ways: subtraction and subtraction. Of course, cheap books aren’t basically down-to-date, but many are book-bound by special machines. Sometimes the forms of a book are just stitched together and glued to the cover.
۲٫ Formatting: There are four actions in formatting a book:
A) banging. Sewing the book forms makes it an inflationary turning point. They put pressure on the forms to eliminate this inflation;
B) gluing. To prevent the cooks from loosening in the bottom-up method, a layer of special adhesive is applied to the surface of the book;
C) lip. Rugged edges cut book forms after sewing and slicing to find all editions of the book cut equally;
D) rounding, backing, and lining. At this point the convex surface of the book is first convex, then a piece of cloth adhered to the surface of the book is called the primer. In manual bindings, the buds are turned upside down, but in the machine bound, the buds are twisted only for decoration.
۳٫ Cover:
The cover consists of three steps:
A) Coverage. Books are usually made of cardboard and cloth or thick paper. To do this, first cut the large sheets of cardboard by the cutter to the desired size, then adhere to the fabric or thick paper on which the inner surface is glued, while at the same time turning the strips of thick paper horizontally between the two pieces of cardboard. It sticks to the underside. Then return the extra edges of the fabric to the cover and attach two pieces of cardboard to the inner surface;
B) Volume printing. Insert title, author’s name, and other bibliographic information and some cover and cover decorations are called cover printing. This is done by printing in the normal way or in gold. In the latter method special letters or stereotypes and gold or colored thin sheets are used;
C) Coverage. At this point, the two book chains and the retro laminate are glued to the surface, inserting the interconnected forms into the cover and pressing the forms back into the cover, and the chains to the inner surface of the cover. The books are then pressed for several hours to dry.
Types of Binding:
• Soft bindings
• Hard bindings
Types of Soft Binding:
• Paperback or adhesive bottom (hot – cold)
• Wire Binding
Types of Hard Binding:
• Hardcover Binding
• Cellphone Binding
Binding types can be categorized from several perspectives:
۲) In terms of implementation:
• Traditional or hand-made: for exquisite artwork and low-end artwork
• Machine or Modern: Usually for Text Books
A) Manual or traditional bookbinding; in this way the books are hand-cut. If there are torn sheets, they will be joined by adhesive paper, and with the same color paper as the book. The paper is then sawn, needlework or needlework, and is sewn with needles and yarn and then primed. The wool is then sewn on the back of the wool to be stitched together and the lambs are cut after drying to make the book smooth. The book is then turned round and then pressed and tightened, then cut to the size of a cardboard book, and wrapped in cardboard or leather of different colors. After the coating is applied, the liner is primed, and after the liner is pasted into the main liner and dried by hand, it is gilded. Manuscripts are manually compiled.
B) Machine Binding – These types of books are bound by special machines that are generally for printed books. First, the books are shipped to the folding machine, then folded into the car’s interior, and the forms are sealed off by the stamps in the machine. It is then stacked up, placed in another machine, and glued to the bottom and covered. Bookbinding Bookbinding Bookbinding is done in adhesive bottom with a baffle and stapler, or in the form of an embroidered or braided wire.
۲) In terms of cover type:
Hard cover: Hard covers are also known as library binding. This cover is used for reference books and thick books. Includes a cardboard coated with cellophane or other coatings such as leather or fabric.
• Soft cover – also called soft cover, paper back or paperback. The soft cover is usually 2 grams of roll paper.
۱) In terms of connection method:
• Adhesive bottom: Paper or paperback covers are usually adhesive bottom. The adhesive is used to attach the paper to the turning and its strength. Accordingly, hot or cold glue is used. The strength and quality of hot glue is better than cold glue. The hot glue is made of solid polyvinyl acetate (pva) adhesive which is heated in a special tank by heating it. The hot glue system is preferable to other systems because of its fast drying. However, it is not possible to round off a book similar to that used in cold glue. Of course, hot glue machines have recently become more flexible and provide the same features as cold glue, and cold glue dissolves with water and requires drying system or hot air to dry. . Cold glue penetration between forms is better than hot glue.
• Sewing Bottoms: Hard covers are sewn together in the bottom batch method of printed forms from dots.
• Spring: This method uses springs to connect.
• Stapler: Used for compact magazines for children’s books, textbooks, etc. … Adhesive – Printed forms are bonded with hot or cold adhesives. Sewing – Books tease out bulky prints they want to keep thick and durable.

Book packaging

After printing your book and shearing and strapping, it will be delivered to you in special wrappings and corrugated cartons, which will help you maintain and maintain your books. It also does not damage the book during maintenance and mailing. It also helps to make it easy to send to bookstores and book distribution centers.

Digital publishing

Dear authors, who wish to provide readers with a CD of their own book along with the publication of their book, should obtain the CD license separately from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance’s Digital Media and Technology Center. The process of obtaining this type of license is simply possible and the author himself can do so personally and as a real person (the publisher). The process is to log in first to www.nashr.saramad.ir and follow the steps required in the Digital Culture Activities Licensing Guide and then in the Real Applicant (Author Publisher) section. After obtaining the CD license, you will hand it over to the relevant book publisher to put it on the cover of the title book with the CD and add the CD price to the book price, which will ultimately determine the total price of the book.
Publications, publishing, publisher, ISBN, book printing
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